氏 名 ハラハシ マハ エル サイェド アブドエル ハフィソ
HARHASH, Maha El Sayed Abd El-hafiz
本籍(国籍) エジプト
学位の種類 博士 (農学) 学位記番号 連研 第571号
学位授与年月日 平成24年9月25日 学位授与の要件 学位規則第5条第1項該当 課程博士
研究科及び専攻 連合農学研究科 生物環境科学専攻
学位論文題目 Diffusion process of agricultural innovation and human resource development in rural

  In many countries the adoption of new agricultural techniques is an important aspect of the movement towards more sustainable agriculture. In this context, an understanding of the adoption behavior and the factors that lead farmers to adopt such techniques is a key component of policy design. Also innovative farmers can play a key role in identifying and scaling up process of innovations.

  Development of villages’ human resources might play a positive role in increasing the adoption of improved technologies in the agricultural sector, and could be crucial for accelerating agricultural productivity and hence poverty alleviation. Therefore we focus on analyzing the diffusion process of corn silage as one of the new ideas for providing a forage resource among Egyptian farmers. Results have revealed that most farmers adopted the idea after sufficient disclosure of practices, although extension agents were being considered by innovators and early adopters as one of the main information sources for this idea.  Thus, weaknesses in the activities of extension workers were identified with respect to diffusing the idea of corn silage. It was also revealed that adopter categories were significantly different according to farm size, amount of family labor, stock size, contact with extension agents, and education level, whereas farmer age was not significant.

  The duration of adoption of a technology varies among economic units, regions and attributes of the technology itself. Therefore, the next point of interest concerns details of the diffusion process of bunker silos among Shikaoi dairy farmers’, and mainly illustrates the comparison between the results of the diffusion process of bunker silos with the result of the diffusion process of corn silage in Egyptian agriculture. The information sources available to farmers for utilizing the idea of using bunker silos system include e.g the guidance staffs of JAs (Japan agricultural cooperatives), staff of the extension center, friends/acquaintance, feed company and neighborhood /relative. However, the results of the questionnaire revealed that the guidance staffs of JAs have been playing a much greater role in diffusing the idea among adopters than other information sources. It was also indicated the influence of economic variables in the adoptive behavior.  

We used the logit model, which is based on cumulative logistic probability function, to calculate the estimated diffusion rate of corn silage and bunker silo. The results revealed that the diffusion of bunker silo follows the normal distribution as described by Rogers (2003).

  While the practice of corn silage had a low diffusion and adoption rate for an early period in the diffusion process, resulting in the peak of the diffusion deviating from the center of the distribution to the later stages of the diffusion process. The presence of a gap between real and estimated diffusion rates of corn silage is due to the weakness in the influence of peer networks, in turn a result of sluggishness on the part of innovators and early adopters in spreading the idea of corn silage. In addition, weakness in the extension delivery system like public extension centers in the study area might be one of the key constraints to adopting the idea in the early stage of the diffusion process.

  We expect that farmers who adopt new innovation at an early stage have special behavioral characteristics that help them to actively search for and exploit information from various sources. Thus, the farmers who are accepting new innovation earlier represent the higher quality village human resources. In this case, the aim is to determine the most important driving factors for adoption that helped the innovators and early adopters to be earlier adopters of the idea of corn silage than the laggards. 

  Based on the results, early adopters differ from the laggards on the basis of structural characteristics like farm size, stock size, ownership of agriculture machinery and number of family members as part of the work force. Some behavioral characteristics like social participation, source of the idea and contact with development agents were responsible for the adoption of corn silage, and early adopters and laggards were found to differ in their communication strategies. Finally as we expected, the farmers who are accepting new innovation earlier are the higher quality village human resources and leaders of the community.

  In addition the present study provides a number of insights in to the diffusion and adoption process which are of value for those who wish to increase the adoption of new technology in Egypt; 1) Public extension should give higher priority to process of innovations that will enable small-farm households to adopt new innovations that will help them to increase their productivity and household income. 2) The extension practitioners should design activities for spreading awareness of new innovations or ideas and expand extension services to farmers in order to facilitate the adoption of new innovations and maximize their effectiveness in facilitating the adoption process. 3) Extension practitioners should also arrange local trials with those known to be the first to try new things for other farmers to see after they have become aware of a new idea. 4) The calculation of adoption rates, allow extension agents or scientists to predict the success of a technology’s introduction, which can be used for improving their efficiency.










