氏 名 ハルジャンティ ディアン ワハユ
HARJANTI, Dian Wahyu
本籍(国籍) インドネシア
学位の種類 博士 (農学) 学位記番号 連研 第569号
学位授与年月日 平成24年9月25日 学位授与の要件 学位規則第5条第1項該当 課程博士
研究科及び専攻 連合農学研究科 生物生産科学専攻
学位論文題目 Studies on the effects of feeding soybean curd residue silage on whole body nutrient metabolism in sheep

 The use of residues generated from the food industry as livestock feed has increased throughout the world as the result of increasing demand for livestock products and increasing feed prices. The selection of safe feed material is important because animal protein cannot be used in ruminant feed. Consequently, application of industrial residues containing plant proteins has become a matter of interest for many ruminant nutritionists. The use of these residues will provide additional income for the food industry and reduce environmental problems related to residue disposal. For the farmer, the use of food residues, which are generally less expensive than other commercial feeds, will reduce feed costs. Soybean curd residue is a promising potential alternative feed due to its high protein and carbohydrate contents. The ensiling process not only lengthens the useful life of the soybean curd residue but also eliminates many of its anti-nutritional properties and increases its digestibility in animals. Therefore, three different experiments were conducted to investigate the feeding effects of soybean curd residue silage on whole body nutrient metabolism in ruminant.

In the first experiment, the effects of soybean curd residue silage supplementation of a roughage diet on the plasma leucine (Leu) and glucose kinetics in sheep were assessed by an isotope dilution method of [1-13C]Leu and [U-13C]glucose. Two different dietary treatments were tested, one was mixed orchardgrass and reed canarygrass hay (Hay diet) and another one (SCRS diet) was mixed hay plus soybean curd residue at a ratio of 8:2 on a dry matter (DM) basis. The metabolizable energy (ME) intakes were estimated to be isoenergetic and slightly above the maintenance level for both diets. The experiment followed a crossover design with a period of 21 days. Primed-continuous infusion of [1-13C]Leu and [U-13C]glucose was performed on day 21. The nitrogen (N) intake, N absorption and N digestibility were enhanced by the SCRS diet (P<0.0001, P<0.0001 and P=0.001, respectively). Although the urinary N excretion was elevated (P=0.008), the fecal N excretion was low (P=0.001), producing an overall tendency (P=0.07) toward high N retention in the SCRS-fed sheep. The concentrations of ruminal ammonia (NH3) and total volatile fatty acid (VFA) were increased (P=0.01 and P=0.03) with soybean curd residue silage supplementation. The total VFA concentration in the blood tended to increase (P=0.05) with soybean curd residue silage supplementation. The plasma Leu turnover rate (LeuTR), whole body protein synthesis and degradation (WBPS and WBPD) remained similar between treatments. The plasma glucose concentration tended to increase (P=0.06) with soybean curd residue silage supplementation, whereas no significant changes in the plasma glucose turnover rate (GluTR) were observed. These findings suggest the feasibility of soybean curd residue silage as protein and carbohydrate sources for sheep.

In the second experiment, the effects of replacing commercial concentrate with soybean curd residue silage on the plasma Leu and glucose kinetics in sheep were assessed by an isotope dilution method of [1-13C]Leu and [U-13C]glucose. Two different dietary treatments, one consisted of 80% mixed hay and 20% commercial concentrate (CONC diet), and another one (SCRS diet) consisted of 80% mixed hay and 20% soybean curd residue silage were tested. The dietary treatments were estimated to be isonitrogenous, and the ME intakes were slightly above the maintenance level for both diets. The experiment followed a crossover design with a period of 21 days. Primed-continuous infusion of [1-13C]Leu and [U-13C]glucose was performed on day 21. Sheep fed the SCRS diet absorbed and retained similar amounts of N compared with sheep fed the CONC diet. Moreover, the N digestibility was comparable between the two diets. The plasma LeuTR was comparable between the SCRS and CONC diets, and no differences were noted in the WBPS and WBPD between the two diets. The concentrations of ruminal NH3 and total VFA were similar for both diets. The propionate concentration in the rumen was higher (P=0.02) for the SCRS diet than for the CONC diet, whereas acetate concentrations were similar between the diets. The plasma glucose concentrations and plasma GluTR were also comparable between the diets. These findings show that the inclusion of soybean curd residue silage in the diet resulted in similar plasma Leu and glucose kinetics to those produced by commercial concentrate.

In the third experiment, the effects of supplementation level of soybean curd residue silage on the plasma Leu, glucose and acetate kinetics in sheep were studied using an isotope dilution method of [1-13C]Leu, [U-13C]glucose and [1-13C]Na acetate simultaneously. Sheep were fed three diets differing in the amount of soybean curd residue silage: 100% mixed hay (SCRS-0, as a control), 80% mixed hay plus 20% soybean curd residue silage (SCRS-20), and 60% mixed hay plus 40% soybean curd residue silage (SCRS-40) on a DM basis. The ME intakes were estimated to be isoenergetic and slightly above the maintenance level for all diets. The experiment followed a 3×3 Latin square design for 21 days. The N intake and N digestibility were increased with increasing levels of soybean curd residue silage supplementation (P<0.0001 and P=0.001). Increased amounts of soybean curd residue silage in the diet decreased (P<0.001) the fecal N excretion but increased (P<0.001) the urinary N excretion. The N retention, plasma LeuTR and WBPS did not differ among the treatments. The ruminal pH did not differ among the treatments. The ruminal NH3 concentration increased (P=0.001) with increasing amount of soybean curd residue silage in the diets. Nonetheless, high level of supplementation did not further increase the concentrations of ruminal total VFA, acetate and propionate, as indicated by similar concentrations of those acids in the SCRS-20 and SCRS-40 groups. Moreover, this study showed that the plasma GluTR and acetate turnover rate (AceTR) tended to increase (P=0.06 and P=0.08) with increasing supplementation level. These findings suggested that the supplementation level did not significantly influence the plasma Leu, glucose and acetate kinetics when the diets were kept isoenergetic.

Taken together, the results of the present study demonstrated that soybean curd residue silage should not be considered as a waste product; rather, it is a potential energy resource. It has been proved that soybean curd residue silage did not adversely affect the protein, glucose and acetate metabolism due to its high soluble N and fermentable carbohydrate contents. The use of soybean curd residue as a feed represents a better way of recycling food industry wastes back to human nutrition through animal feeding and the present findings will contribute to the sustainable ruminant nutrition.



 実験1では、ヒツジの血漿ロイシン(Leu)およびグルコース代謝に及ぼす粗飼料への豆腐粕サイレージ添加の影響を[1-13C]Leuおよび[U-13C]グルコースの同位元素希釈法を用いて測定した。飼料区はオーチャードグラスとリードカナリーグラスの混播乾草(MH)および混播乾草+豆腐粕サイレージ(8:2 乾物、SCRS)とした。代謝エネルギー(ME)給与量を等量とし、2区とも維持量をわずかに上回る量とした。実験期間は1期21日とし、クロスオーバー法にしたがって実施した。21日目に[1-13C]Leuおよび[U-13C]グルコースのprimed-continuous infusion法を実施した。窒素()摂取量、N吸収量、N消化率はSCRS区がMH区より高かった(P < 0.0001P < 0.0001P = 0.001)SCRS区において尿中N排泄量は高かったが(P = 0.008)、糞中N排泄量は低く(P = 0.001)、全体としてN蓄積は高い傾向を示した(P = 0.07)。ルーメン内アンモニア(NH3)および総揮発性脂肪酸(VFA)濃度は豆腐粕サイレージ添加によって増加した(P = 0.01P = 0.03)。血液VFA濃度は豆腐粕サイレージ添加によって増加する傾向を示した(P = 0.05)。血漿Leu代謝回転速度(LeuTR)、全身のタンパク質合成速度(WBPS)および分解速度(WBPD)は飼料区間で類似していた。血漿グルコース濃度は豆腐粕サイレージ添加によって増加する傾向を示したが(P = 0.06)、血漿グルコース代謝回転速度(GluTR)に有意な変化は観察されなかった。これらの知見はヒツジにとってタンパク質、炭水化物源としての豆腐粕サイレージの可能性を示している。

 実験2では、ヒツジの血漿Leuおよびグルコース代謝に及ぼす濃厚飼料の豆腐粕サイレージへの代替への影響を[1-13C]Leuおよび[U-13C]グルコースの同位元素希釈法を用いて測定した。飼料区は混播乾草80%20%市販濃厚飼料(CONC)および混播乾草80%20%豆腐粕サイレージ(SCRS)とした。両飼料区ともN給与量を等量とし、ME 給与量は維持量をわずかに上回る程度とした。実験期間は1期21日とし、クロスオーバー法にしたがって実施した。21日目に[1-13C]Leuおよび[U-13C]グルコースのprimed-continuous infusion法を実施した。SCRS区のN吸収量、N保持量、N消化率はCONC区と類似していた。血漿LeuTRSCRS区とCONC区とで類似しており、WBPSおよびWBPDは飼料区間に差がなかった。ルーメン内NH3およびVFA濃度は両飼料区で類似していた。プロピオン酸濃度はCON区よりSCRS区が高かったが(P = 0.02)、酢酸濃度は両飼料区で類似していた。血漿グルコース濃度およびGluTRもまた両飼料区で類似していた。これらの知見は豆腐粕サイレージ添加給与時の血漿Leuおよびグルコース代謝は濃厚飼料給与時と類似していることを示している。

 実験3では、ヒツジの血漿Leu、グルコースおよび酢酸代謝に及ぼす豆腐粕サイレージ給与水準の影響を[1-13C]Leu[U-13C]グルコースおよび[1-13C]酢酸の同位元素希釈法を用いて測定した。3飼料区で実験が行われた。飼料区は混播乾草の0%20%40%(乾物)を豆腐粕サイレージで代替し、それぞれSCRS0区、SCRS20区、SCRS40区とした。いずれの飼料区ともME給与量を等量とし、維持量をわずかに上回る程度とした。実験期間は1期21日とし、3x3ラテン方格法にしたがって実施した。21日目に[1-13C]Leu[U-13C]グルコースおよび[1-13C]酢酸Naprimed-continuous infusion法を実施した。N摂取量およびN消化率は豆腐粕サイレージ給与水準が増加するにしたがい増加した(P < 0.0001P = 0.001)。豆腐粕サイレージ給与水準の増加は、糞中N排泄量を減少させ(P < 0.001)、尿中N排泄量を増加させた(P < 0.001)。N保持量、血漿LeuTRおよびWBPSは飼料間に差がなかった。豆腐粕サイレージ給与水準の増加はルーメン内NH3濃度を増加させたが(P = 0.001)、ルーメンpHに悪影響を及ぼさなかった。ルーメン内酢酸およびプロピオン酸濃度は豆腐粕サイレージ添加によって増加したが(P < 0.05)SCRS20区とSCRS40区との間には差がなかった。血漿グルコース濃度は豆腐粕サイレージ給与水準の増加によって増加した(P=0.03)。さらに、血漿GluTRおよび酢酸代謝回転速度(AceTR)は豆腐粕サイレージ給与水準が増加するにしたがい増加する傾向を示した(P = 0.06P = 0.08)以上の結果から、添加水準はエネルギー給与量が一定の場合、豆腐粕サイレージ給与水準が血漿Leu、グルコースおよび酢酸代謝に有意な影響を与えないことが示された。
