氏 名 タマンナ  イスラム
本籍(国籍) バングラデシュ
学位の種類 博士 (農学) 学位記番号 連研 第566号
学位授与年月日 平成24年9月25日 学位授与の要件 学位規則第5条第1項該当 課程博士
研究科及び専攻 連合農学研究科 生物生産科学専攻
学位論文題目 Statistical  analysis of spatial distribution in grasslands

Spatial distribution patterns of plant species, aboveground biomass and air dose rates on grazing grasslands were investigated.

Data were collected from the National Agriculture and Food Research Organization Tohoku Agricultural Research Center of Japan (Morioka, Iwate Prefecture) from October 1998 to October 2001. From a field study on four grazing grasslands as Poa pratensis L. (Kentucky bluegrass) dominated grassland without feces (PoF-), Poa pratensis L. dominated grassland with feces (PoF+), Zoysia japonica Steud. (Japanese lawngrass) dominated grassland without feces (ZyF-) and Zoysia japonica Steud. dominated grassland with feces (ZyF+), the effects of feces on spatial distribution patterns of plant species were examined. During the study period it was found that the feces excreted by grazing cows on the grasslands were unequally distributed. Extra fertilizer was not applied on the grasslands. Since feces were removed from the PoF- and ZyF- grasslands once a day using a vacuum cleaner, nutrients were also removed from the grasslands. As a result, biomass was flatter in those grasslands. On the other hand, feces were not removed from PoF+ and ZyF+ grasslands. Consequently, where feces were present for the bad smell of the feces grazing cattle did not eat the grasses. In the mean time, feces supplied nutrient to the soil under feces and nutrients were not removed from the grasslands. These lead to the regeneration of grassland plants and the generation of new plant species. Therefore, biomass of these grasslands was not flatter and the mean occurrences were larger with comparison to the grassland without feces. 100 equally spaced quadrats (L-quadrats) of size 0.5 × 0.5 m2 were located at 50 m line transects on each of the four grasslands. Each of the L-quadrat was divided into four equal-area cells of 0.25 × 0.25 m2 (S-quadrats). Using the binomial distribution (BD) and beta-binomial distribution (BBD) it was found that the BBD provided a significant description of the frequency distribution of plants per quadrat. The results of power law showed that the plants on each of the four grasslands were aggregatively distributed. Overall results exhibited that due to the uneven deposition of feces, the grassland with feces showed greater spatial heterogeneity than the grassland without feces.

In the succeeding experiment, the spatial distribution pattern of plants in a simulated grassland colony was investigated. Circular quadrats were placed randomly in a virtual square area. To solve the edge problem a simple mathematical correction was suggested to eliminate the shortcomings. It was found that corrected frequency described the observed frequencies of the plant species. The results also showed that the correction was significant for the used data set. The required number of sampling units to achieve a level of accuracy of 20% variation was determined. Through the binomial distribution (BD) and beta-binomial distribution (BBD), the spatial patterns within and between sampling units were examined. It was found that the BBD adequately describe the observed data. The distribution pattern of plant occurrence between simulated colonies was aggregated. On the other hand, the heterogeneity of within groups of plant occurrence was under-dispersed heterogeneity.

Another experiment was conducted to observe the effects of feces on spatial patterns of vegetation biomass in four grasslands (PoF+, PoF-, ZyF+ and ZyF-). The field study was conducted from June 2001 to October 2001, on the grassland of National Agriculture and Food Research Organization Tohoku Agricultural Research Center of Japan (Morioka, Iwate Prefecture). Data were collected from four grasslands each grazed by a single cow from May 2001 to October 2001. 100 L-quadrats (0.5 × 0.5 m2) were set along a 50 m line transect on each of the four grassland. Data were collected from each of the 100 quadrat using the ‘Pasture probe’(Surge Miyawaki Ltd., Tokyo, Japan). Adding every two quadrat of 100 quadrats, 50 quadrats were formed with size of 0.5 × 1.0 m2. Data on, amount of vegetation biomass from each of these 50 quadrats were also considered. Feces excreted by a cow during grazing on the grassland with feces were unevenly distributed. This uneven distribution of feces caused the uneven distribution of soil nutrient. Therefore, the presence of feces excreted by cattle during grazing on the grassland, influenced the number of occurrence of the plants and the spatial heterogeneity of the grassland plants. As a result, the spatial heterogeneity of plant biomass was caused by unevenness of space and resources for each individual plant. By using Moran’s I, strong spatial heterogeneity of vegetation biomass was found. This heterogeneity may be caused due to the uneven distribution of feces by grazing cattle, uneven distribution of plant nutrients in soil, uneven trampling by cattle, uneven dispersal of plant seeds through feces over the grassland etc.. Biomass of the grassland with feces showed significant higher autocorrelation than the grasslands without feces.

Another experiment was conducted to observe the spatial distribution of air dose rates on grazed grassland after the earthquake on 11 March, 2011. Data were collected on 18 November, 2011 and 9 May, 2012 from Ichinoseki, south of Iwate Prefecture, Japan. Sample of air dose rates (µSv h-1) were collected from orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.) and Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) dominated grazed grassland to conduct this study. In the grassland, weeds (Artemisia indica var. maximowiczii and Rumex obtsuifolius L.) were frequently found. Data were collected using environmental radiation monitor (PA-1000 Radi, Horiba Ltd., Kyoto, Japan). This typical pasture sites has been utilized for many years as grassland for grazing cows from June to November. In order to collect air dose rate (µSv h-1), a 12 × 12 m2 site (L-site) with grid lines at 1 m interval were laid out. Again 1.2 × 1.2 m2 site (S-site) was located at the center of 12 × 12 m2 site. 1.2 × 1.2 m2 site was divided into 144 (12×12) equal spaced quadrats. From central point of each of the quadrat air dose rates were collected. With many radioactive isotopes air dose also include 134Cs and 137Cs. The half-life of 134Cs and 137Cs is 2.06 and 30.17 year, respectively. Therefore, the decay of 134Cs and 137Cs has an effect on the mean of air dose rate. Moran’s I was used to identify the spatial heterogeneity of air dose rates on grazing grassland. It was found that the autocorrelation in S-site area was significantly higher than L-site area. By autocorrelograms and Moran’s scatterplots, it was shown that air dose rates showed spatial correlations at distance less than 0.1 m.



調査は農業・食品産業技術総合研究機構東北農業研究センター(岩手県盛岡市)内の放牧地で199810月と1999年から2001年の6月及び10月に行った。放牧草地における排糞の植物種空間分布に及ぼす影響を調べるため,ケンタッキーブルーグラス(Poa pratensis L.)優占草地及びシバ(Zoysia japonica Steud.)優占草地について,糞をそのまま放置した区(PoF+区及びZyF+区)と,毎日糞を取り除いた区(PoF-区及びZyF-区)を設定し,調査を行った。各牧区に50mのラインを設定し,ライン沿いに0.5 × 0.5 m2のコドラート(Lコドラート)を100ヶ所設定した。また,各Lコドラートに0.25 × 0.25 m2のコドラート(Sコドラート)4ヶ所設置した。PoF+区及びZyF+区では,糞は牧区全体に不均一に分布していた。また,すべての牧区で追肥などは行われなかった。PoF-区及びZyF-区では,11回バキュームカーで糞を取り除いた。糞が取り除かれるため,PoF-区及びZyF-区では栄養素が持ち出され,現存量が少なく均一化していった。PoF+区及びZyF+区では,糞のにおいなどのため不食過繁地が形成され,現存量はPoF-区及びZyF-区よりも多かった。Lコドラート中の4つのSコドラートにおける各植物種の出現頻度分布を2項分布(BD)とベータ2項分布(BBD)にあてはめた結果,BBDがよく一致した。べき乗則をあてはめた結果,4牧区すべてで植物種空間分布は集中する傾向がみられた。PoF+区及びZyF+区では,排糞のため不均一性がより高かった。


 放牧草地における排糞が植生バイオマスの空間分布パターンに及ぼす影響を調査した。調査は,2001年の6月と10月に農業・食品産業技術総合研究機構東北農業研究センター(岩手県盛岡市)内の放牧地で行った。ケンタッキーブルーグラス(Poa pratensis L.)優占草地及びシバ(Zoysia japonica Steud.)優占草地について,糞をそのまま放置した区(PoF+区及びZyF+区)と,毎日糞を取り除いた区(PoF-区及びZyF-区)を設定し,調査を行った。草地では,5月から10月まで各1頭の成雌牛が放牧されていた。PoF+区及びZyF+区では,糞は牧区全体に不均一に分布していた。また,すべての牧区で追肥などは行われなかった。PoF-区及びZyF-区では,11回バキュームカーで糞を取り除いた。糞が取り除かれるため,PoF-区及びZyF-区では栄養素が持ち出され,現存量が少なく均一化していった。PoF+区及びZyF+区では,糞のにおいなどのため不食過繁地が形成され,現存量はPoF-区及びZyF-区よりも多かった。各牧区に50mのラインを設定し,ライン沿いに0.5 × 0.5 m2のコドラート(Lコドラート)を100ヶ所設定した。Lコドラート内の地上部現存量をパスチャープローブ(サージミヤワキ,東京)を用いて計測した。隣接する2ヶ所のLコドラートのデータを統合した50ヶ所の0.5 × 1.0 m2のデータを作成した。モランIを用いて解析した結果,現存量の分布に強い空間的不均一性がみられた。この不均一性は,糞の分布,土壌中栄養素の分布,家畜による踏圧,糞による種子の散布などの不均一性によると考えられる。糞を取り除かない牧区では,糞を取り除いた区よりも有意に高い自己相関を示した。

 2011311日の東日本大震災後に,放牧草地における空間放射線量率の空間分布を調査した。調査は,岩手県一関市で20111118日と201259日に行った。オーチャードグラス(Dactylis glomerata L.)とケンタッキーブルーグラス(Poa pratensis L.)が優占した草地の地表1cm高で空間放射線量率(µSv h-1)を測定した。この草地には,ヨモギ(Artemisia indica var. maximowiczii)やエゾノギシギシ(Rumex obtsuifolius L.)が雑草として侵入していた。空間放射線量率の測定はPA-1000RADI(堀場製作所,京都)を用いた。草地は2011年は6月から11月まで放牧されていたが,2012年は利用されていない。12 × 12 m2の調査地(L区)について1m間隔で14412 × 12)ヶ所において空間放射線量率を測定した。またL区中央の1.2 × 1.2 m2の調査地(S区)について0.1m間隔で14412 × 12)ヶ所において空間放射線量率を測定した。空間放射線量率の大部分は134Cs137Csに由来している。134Cs137Csの半減期は,それぞれ2.06年,30.17年であるため,空間放射線量率は2012年では2011年に比べて減衰している。放牧草地における空間放射線量率の空間分布パターンを解析するためモランIを用いた。S区における自己相関はL区よりも大きかった。オートコレログラムとモラン散布図より,空間放射線量率は0.1m以下のサイズでの自己相関が見られた。