氏   名
シタンダ ダグラス
Shitanda Douglas
連研 第177号
専  攻
Husking Characteristics of Different Varieties of Rice using Impeller and Rubber Roll Husker

 Rice continues to play a leading role in the world economy as a major source of carbohydrate for over half of the world population. Because of this vital role, one of the main secondary processing operations for rice is evaluated in this thesis. Husking which involves the removal of the husk from paddy rice as a preparation for the subsequent operations was analyzed using impeller and rubber roll husker. Due to the difference in their mode of husking which is mainly by friction and impact force in impeller husker and shear force in rubber roll husker, husking performance of the two huskers is likely to differ when grain variety difference is considered. Thus husking characteristics of three different varieties of rice namely Akitakomachi (short grain), Delta (long grain) and L201 (long grain) were used in the experiment.

 Mechanical properties of rough rice determined showed that when compressed, the three varieties of rice had relatively close bio-yield point of about 18 N with that for long grain rice being slightly higher than that for short grain rice. Bio-yield point was also found to be about twice the yield shear force of the rice husk irrespective of the size and shape of the grain. Grain dynamic analysis showed that at the rated impeller speed of 2362 rpm, the grain exited at about 45 m/s and this resulted in impact force of about 46 N. This force was sufficient to husk the grain with minimal grain damage. However, the maximum friction force experienced on the impeller blade was far below the yield shear force of the husk indicating that husking was unlikely to occur on the blade by friction force. Results also showed that the grain bounced back from the liner into the path of the oncoming blade.

 Husking by impeller husker was carried out at different impeller speed using different types of liner. Experiments were done with urethane (ABS) liner, soft polystyrene liner and without the liner. At the rated impeller speed, results showed that less than 20 % of the grain was husked without the liner. Husked ratio, broken ratio and cracked ratio curves for the three varieties of rice were generally well expressed by the Weibull's distribution function. Akitakomachi had relatively high husked ratio and cracked ratio whereas L201 has the highest broken ratio and the lowest cracked ratio. Thus husking in the impeller husker was found to be mainly by impact force on the liner and by the impeller blade. Husking energy efficiency expressed as the husked grain per the specific husking energy, was higher for short grain rice compared to long grain rice. The optimal impeller speed when energy efficiency is maximum was less than the rated impeller speed but had low system broken ratio and system cracked ratio. At the optimal impeller speed, the three varieties of rice had a husked ratio of less than 80%. There was a sharp increase in system cracked ratio and broken ratio for the three varieties of rice above the optimal impeller speed. Husking performance of the impeller husker showed that the husking characteristics of the three varieties of rice were dependent on their shape and size.

 Contact distance between the grain and the roll was derived considering the radius of curvature of the grain. This gave a better approximation of contact distance when compared to the traditional equation, which assumes that the grain is flat. Contact distance was used in the computation of, contact area, projected area and specific husking energy for single grain feed. Projected area was close to contact area below 0.5 mm roll deflection whereas the average grain speed was found to be close to the auxiliary roll speed irrespective of the grain variety and roll speed. Traditionally the peripheral velocity difference ratio (fN) has been expresses in terms of the main roll speed. However, peripheral velocity difference ratio (fn) with respect to the auxiliary roll speed was found to be close to peripheral velocity difference ratio (fg) with respect to grain velocity when considering specific husking energy. For the three varieties of rice used, maximum shear stress occurred close to the optimal roll clearance and was not dependent on the rice variety.

 Rubber roll husker performance was evaluated by varying the roll clearance at constant peripheral velocity difference ratio and vice versa. Rough rice was fed in the husker randomly, and as single grain vertically and horizontally. Husked ratio, broken ratio and cracked ratio curves were generally well expressed by the Weibull's distribution function. Short grain rice and horizontal grain feed had high husked ratio and cracked ratio whereas long grain rice and horizontal grain feed had high broken ratio. Results showed that direction of grain feed affected the husking performance of the husker.

 Maximum husked ratio occurred when the peripheral velocity difference ratio (fn) was about 0.71 irrespective the grain variety. When optimized based on the specific husking energy, short grain rice and horizontal grain feed showed high husking energy efficiency compared to long grain rice and vertical grain feed. Due to its size and shape, Akitakomachi had the highest optimal roll clearance of about 1.8 mm followed by Delta and L201. Thus optimal roll clearance was found to be dependent on the sphericity of the grain and resulted in over 90% husked ratio. There was also a sharp increase in the system cracked ratio and system broke ratio for the three varieties of rice below the optimal roll clearance.

 Optimal peripheral velocity difference ratio (fn) for the three varieties of rice at maximum husking energy efficiency was about 0.25 and showed no dependence on the rice variety. Optimal roll clearance and peripheral velocity difference ratio were also found to be optimal in terms of system cracked ratio and system broken for the three varieties of rice. This showed that optimal the values were critical in the performance of the rubber roll husker.

 Comparison of the husking performance between impeller husker and rubber roll husker showed that the later had higher husking energy efficiency for short grain rice, whereas for long grain rice there was no clear difference between the two huskers. Rubber roll husker had also lower broken ratio for the three varieties of rice. From the overall husking performance of the two huskers, it can be said that rubber roll husker has generally better husking performance compared to impeller husker.





 ロール籾すり機については,穀粒がロールに接する部分の接触距離を,穀粒を円弧とみなして曲率半径から求める方法を提案した。この方法によれば,穀粒を平行板とした従来の式に比べてはるかに正確な接触距離を求めることができる。この接触距離を使って単粒籾すりのときの接触面積,投影接触面積および比脱ぷエネルギーを求めた。穀粒を円弧のつながりとして計算した投影接触面積は,ロールの変形が0.5mm以下では,同じ形として求めた接触面積とほぼ等しかった。また,穀粒速度の計測値は,縦(垂直)方向供給では副ロール周速度より大きく,横(水平)方向供給では副ロール周速度よりも小さいが,これらの平均値は副ロール周速度とほぼ等しかった。比脱ぷエネルギーは穀粒速度に対する周速度差率 (φg)に比例するから,従来の主ロール周速度に対する周速度差率 (φN)より,副ロールに対する周速度差率(φn)の方が,φgに近似し,合理的な値であることがわかった。いずれの品種においても,脱ぷエネルギー効率が最大となる最適ロール間隙ではせん断応力が最大値に近かった。


 周速度差率(φn)については,品種によらず,φn=0.71のときに脱ぷ率が最も高かった。 脱ぷエネルギー効率の最大値で比較すると,短粒種・水平方向供給が,長粒種・垂直方向供給よりも脱ぷエネルギー効率が高かった。最適エネルギー効率となるロール間隙はあきたこまちが約1.8mmで最も大きく,次いでDelta,L201の順であったがこれは球形度に最も依存するといえる。最適エネルギー効率では,いずれも脱ぷ率は90%以上であった。また,脱ぷエネルギー効率が最大となる周速度差率は大きさや形によらず,約0.25であった。エネルギー効率が最大となる最適ロール間隙および最適周速度差率は,籾すり機製品砕米率(システム砕米率)およびシステム胴割れ率から見ても最適値であった。
