氏   名
カマル モハメド アブ ヘナ モストファ
KAMAL, Md. Abu Hena Mostofa
連研 第172号
専  攻
Introduction of a sweet aromatic fragrance into cultivated tomato Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. from the 'peruvianum-complex'.
(栽培種 Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.へ'peruvianum-complex'がもつ甘美な芳香性の導入)

  The goal of the present study was to introduce a sweet aromatic fragrance of Lycopersicon peruvianum LA1554 into cultivated tomato, to develop a large BCF population and to determine the factors affecting the production of BCF population. Three different BCF populations were developed from the back- crosses between F ( L. peruvianum x cv. tomato) and a number of tomato cultivars available in the Tohoku area, Japan. Ovule selection and culture method was used for this study. Factors affecting the production of BCF population were evaluated by comparing with the data collected in 3 years e.g. 1994, 1995 and 1999. Within-year variation was estimated from the data of 1997. Ten different wild species lines were involved in the production of F hybrids that were used in three different experiments. The variation among the wild species lines and among the cultivars ; the variation between the years and within year along with their interaction was also estimated. The interaction between the cultivar and the wild species line (VxL) was observed to be significant. Therefore, it is difficult to generalize a particular wild species as highly cross-compatible because a specific wild species showed a specific cross compatibility with a particular cultivar. Significnat variation was observed in 'within-year' and it is considered to be influential in the interaction (VxY) which is variable. In 1998, irrespective of the lower performance of the cultivars in the production of BCF plants due to year-effect, a better average was achieved because, among the 19 vultivars, there were a group of cultivars that showed better performance in terms of GOF. The present study suggested that the probability of obtaining a stable, consistent average GOF would be very high if many cultivars are used at a time as seed parents. Differences in GOF (Germinated Ovules per Fruit) among 19 tomato cultivars backcrossed with the F (cv. KOT x LA1554) was significant in 1998 excluding the effect of the interaction (VxL). In this experiment, a total of 154 ovules germinated from the 19 differeent crosses with an average GOF of 0.175 and 5 cultivars were selected as significantly higher cross-compatible cultivars with L. peruvianum LA1554.

  A large population with 127 backcross progenies was developed and whether the quantitative trait 'sweet aromatic fragrance' from Lycopersicon peruvianum LA1554 entered into the BCF population was determined by a sensory panel evaluation. A panel of 8 members evaluated the leaf aroma of 100 BCF plants (from 19 cultivars x F derived from L. peruvianum (LA1554) and two BCF plants were recognised to have the 'same sweet aroma' as the F (pollen parent) and many BCF plants were found to have the similar aroma. Some other morphological characters including aroma in the BCF plants suggested that the quantitative trait was successfully introduced into the BCF population.

  In general, backcross ( BCF) and F populations are considered as segregation generation. The Fplants were strictly self-incompatible in nature, so it was very important to develop BCF population as it is crucial for a successful introgression. Although a total of 127 BCFplants were obtained through backcross, 63 percent of the progenies were self or cross-incompatible and failed to produce fruits after self or even a cross-pollination provided artificially. The stem height and fruit color were diverse, the red, orange, orange-red, yelloow and pink color fruits were developed available in the progenies those were self-compatible. There is a possibility to decrease the amount of lycopene in orange or orange-red fruits as lycopene is a very important pigment for the tomato in the nutritional point of view, but on the other hand, orange-red fruits would facilitate the chance to have more carotene-the precursor of vitamin A.

  Although extensive segregation occurred in the backcross population, along with the sensory evaluation of the leaves, the sensory evaluation of some selected BCFfruits also confirmed that the quantitative trait 'aroma' was successfully introduced into the BCFpopulation. Sensory panel opinion significantly favored the fruits of five BCFplants, the two BCFplants that were considered to have the 'Peach' and 'Melon'. There was no BCFfruits with inferior flavor than the cultivated tomato. There were the fruits of different colour and shapes, but the sweet, pleasant fruity floral-flavour of the fruits was very uniquue and was the primary concern of fhis experiment.

  A few of the monoterpenes such as, α-terpinene, β-tepinine, mirucene and limonene was detected in the leaves of 5 selected BCFplants and in the fruits of K-7 by GC-MS analysis. These are also the evidences that the unique and very pleasant aromatic fragrance of BCFfruits was inherited from the L. peruvianum LA1554 to the BCFvia Finterspecific hybrids as the pollen parent BCFpossessed the same aromatic compounds. This is the first report on introducing aromatic flavor into the cultivated tomato from its wild relative such as L.peruvianum in the history of tomato-breeding.

  The typical aromatic flavor was also observed in the F plant leaves and also in the fruits of BCF population. The data provided the information that this aroma trait is heritable, and can be used successfully for the commercial productuion of aromatic tomato.


 本研究の目的はLycopersicon peruvianum LA1554が持つ甘美な芳香性形質を栽培品種に導入するために、BCF集団の育成に影響する諸要因を検討し、それに基づいてBCFの大集団を育成し、その中から甘美な芳香性をもち自家和合性の個体を得ることであった。2栽培品種とL. peruvianumの数系統間のFを花粉親として、多数の栽培品種(日本産)を種子親として用い、3種類のBCF集団を育成する実験を行った。FおよびBCF世代を育成するために胚珠選抜培養法が用いられた。1994年、1995年および1998年の3年間に実験した結果を比較して、BCF集団の育成に影響する種々の要因が検討された。年内変動は1997年の実験結果を用いて検討した。3種類の実験においてF育成のために野生種10系統が用いられた。野生種系統間(栽培品種・系統を同じくするF間、以下同じ)および栽培品種・系統間変動、年間および年内変動、および交互作用が評価された。栽培品種・系統と野生種系統間の交互作用(VxL)が有意となった。この結果から、特定の野生種系統は特定の栽培品種・系統と特定の交雑不親和性を示すため、特定の野生種系統を高い交雑親和性系統として一般化することは困難であることが推察された。一方、有意な年内変動が認められた。これは栽培品種・系統と年の交互作用(VxY)に影響すると考えられる。BCF集団の育成において1998年は年効果のため交雑親和性に関する栽培品種の効果が全体として小さかった。それにも関わらず、GOF(果実当たり発芽胚珠数)の平均はよい結果が得られた。それは供試した19品種の中に高いGOFを示す栽培品種・系統のグループが含まれていたためであった。本実験は多数の栽培品種・系統を種子親として使用すると、安定した平均GOFを得る確率が高くなる一事例を示したものである。強力大型東光xLA1554のFを戻し交雑された19栽培品種・系統間のGOFは交互作用(VxL)を考慮しなければ有意となった。この実験において平均0.175のGOFを持つ19栽培品種・系統から154個の胚珠が発芽した。この結果から、5栽培品種がL. peruvianum LA1554との間で有意に高い交雑親和性を持つものとして選抜された。

 強力大型東光x LA1554の Fを19栽培品種のそれぞれに戻し交雑したBCFの大集団が127個体育成された。L. peruvianum LA1554がもつ甘美な芳香性である量的形質がBCF集団に導入されたか否かを知るため官能検査を行った。8名のパネリストがBCFの100個体について葉の芳香性を個体ずつ判定した結果、BCF育成の花粉親であったFと同じ芳香をもつと判定された個体は2個体であった。BCFと類似の芳香性を持つ個体は多数存在した。芳香性を含めBCF集団中に見出された形態形質やRAPDマ-カ-は量的形質がBCF世代に導入できたことを示した。


 BCF集団から選抜した5個体の葉についてGC-MS分析を行った結果、α-terpinene、β-terpinene、mirucene、limoneneなどのモノテルペン類が検出された。これは、L. peruvianum LA1554のもつ葉の芳香性がFを経てBCF集団へ伝達された化学的証拠である。この結果は、トマトの育種においてL. peruvianumのような野生種から栽培品種へ、栽培品種が全くもたない芳香性が導入できる可能性を示した最初の報告である。栽培品種よりもまさる野生種の芳香性はF個体の葉およびBCFの果実にも認められた。この結果は、この芳香性が遺伝するものであり、ユニ-クな芳香性をトマト栽培種の品種育成に利用できる情報をさらに追加したものである。