氏   名
連研 第169号
専  攻
From Government policy Instrument to Member-based and Community-oriented Organization

  Changes in the role of government due to economic crisis, global transformation, and trade liberalization have made the period of state-controlled co-operatives in many developing countries come near to an end. Because of the excessive dependence on government related programs, the removal of price support programs and production-based subsidies will jeopardize the business structure, and hence, the existence of many rural co-operatives. Therefore, there should be renewed attempts to revive, and to create viable, co-operative organizations in rural areas based on co-operative principles and values.

  This study aims to explore the role, accomplishment, and setbacks of rural co-operatives in Indonesia, and to find ways of revitalizing them. For this purpose, the study focuses on three actors that are involved in the development of rural co-operatives, i.e. the state, members, and community. Specifically, the study analyzes three different capacities of co-operatives, namely government policy instrument, member based organization, and community oriented organization, which are brought about by the interaction between co-operative organization and each actor mentioned above.

  The data were collected from direct interviews with respondents by using questionnaires. Three surveys were carried out in Kendari district of Southeast Sulawesi in 1997, 1998, and 1999. Responses to questions and statements in the questionnaires provided the data for the variables. Data were analyzed using simple frequencies in the form of tables and figures, and Chi-square test (χ2).

  The existence of three different types of agriculture, i.e. rice, secondary food crops, and smallholder plantation crops, and the lack of research on the nature of rural co-operatives in the regions outside Java are two main reasons for choosing Southeast Sulawesi as the provincial research area. Rural co-operatives were originally established to support the government policies in increasing rice production, and, therefore, most rural co-operatives have been developed and exist in rice-based communities. Conducting field surveys in a province outside Java will increase the documentation of co-operative development in various socio-economic and cultural settings, especially because provinces in eastern Indonesia are usually lagging behind those in Java in terms of industrialization, urban and rural development, and infrastructure in both rural and urban areas.

  The first part (Chapters 1, 2, and 3) of this dissertation provides the background and analytical foundation for the study, whereas the second part (Chapters 4, 5, and 6) analyzes thoroughly the result of the surveys. Chapter 1 provides the background, the relevance, and the conceptual framework for the study. Chapter 2 reviews literature on the concept of co-operation, co-operative and development in developing countries, co-operative in Indonesia, and policies for agricultural and rural development. Chapter 3 describes the methodology used in this study.

  Chapter 4 outlines the development of co-operatives as government policy instrument. It is revealed that the government saw the co-operative more as an instrument of government policy rather than member-run and -financed businesses, and consequently it played a major role in managing and financing co-operatives. The base for co-operative guidance and development has been quantitative figures and targets, and little attention is paid on enhancing co-operative capacity and institutional building. As a result, both democratic features usually associated with co-operatives and essential ingredients of entrepreneurship such as creativity, flexibility and adaptability are absent in most of the rural co-operatives.

  In general, as a government policy instrument, it was observed that the co-operative has positively contributed to the agricultural development through their involvement in input supply, rice procurement, and credit distribution. From the standpoint of co-operatives as member-based organization, however, it is evident that the co-operative has failed to function properly. Co-operative has become too dependent on government programs, as reflected quantitatively by the high percentage of the share of such program in the total business volume. Co-operative management is trapped into fee-oriented "dependency" mentality toward such programs, and does not develop innovation and creativity to search for other potential activities. Co-operatives cannot realize what members expect from them to take advantage from economies of scale and economies of scope, increase bargaining power, build interlinkage market, reduce transaction cost, and protect farmers' economy from uncertainty.

  Chapter 5 discusses co-operatives as member based organization. The study found that member participation was very low, as evidenced by the average score of 2.2 (at "seldom" level) of overall aspects of member participation. Among 120 respondents interviewed, only 34 (28 percent) fall in the "high" category, and the rest 86 (72 percent) are included in the "low" category. Factors that were significantly associated with participation include farmers' views on management capability in developing co-operative businesses and on the appropriateness of co-operative activities and services with farmers' needs and preferences. Farmers' assessment of co-operative organization and goals, as well as farmers' level of education and the distance of house to co-operative, were also significantly related to participation.

  Given the fact that the co-operative business structure is dominated by activities related to government policies, the low level of member participation is an alarming sign for the co-operative to take a serious look at member participation issues. If the current low level of participation goes uncorrected, the co-operative will increasingly find it difficult to compete with its competitors and the sufficient growth of co-operative business can hardly be sustained. In order to promote member participation, the study has identified some areas that need careful attention - co-operative education, membership base, and member-management communication.

  In Chapter 6, the analysis of the co-operative capacity as community oriented organization is presented. The thesis argues that the community is increasingly vulnerable to the changes in socio-political and economic environment. The empirical findings shown in this study are consistent with the above proposition. The crisis that affected the Indonesian economy in the mid 1997 has led to a deterioration of not only social and economic indicator of the country, but also to the household welfare at the community level. At the community level, the crisis has affected household incomes and availability of staple food. However, unlike the poverty status and main source of income, the analysis found that there has been no association between membership status and such variables as poverty, income changes, land ownership, food scarcity, and response to the crisis. On one side, this is attributable to co-operative membership, which is comprised of villagers with diverse socio-economic characteristics. On the other side, however, such lack of correlation is a proof that the co-operative has made little contribution to the welfare and promotion of its members.

  Knowledge of the economic base and structure of a community is crucial for a co-operative to adopt measures toward increasing community vitality. In the study community, agriculture is the main export base of the local economy, and, therefore, agribusiness as an approach could be a useful development tool. However, to make the agribusiness approach work well, the shortcomings in the "production" system should be addressed first. Other measures toward increasing the economic vitality can include managing the capital market, facilitating employment and income generating activities, promoting rural-based small-scale industry, and developing local food.

  In the Conclusion (Chapter 7), the thesis suggests that the old paradigm relying on co-operative capacity as government policy instrument has been unable and is no longer appropriate to create a viable co-operative, both financially and socially. For the reasons of its inherent characteristics and for the sake of efficiency and competitiveness, the co-operative and those involved in co-operative development need to focus on the second and the third capacities of co-operatives, i.e. a member-based and community-oriented organization. The study has suggested some rooms for improvement, such as the necessity for co-operative management to be proactive, value driven and professional based, so that the co-operatives can be able to operate even without government related programs. The "do for" and the "do to" approach in co-operative governance should be replaced with the "do with" approach. Resource based industries and local food development based on the comparative advantage and value added creation should be encouraged.









