氏   名
Xi,shi xiong(シー シィション)
席  時 熊
中 国
甲 第133号
専  攻
Study on the Characteristics of Litter Size Loss in Aged Female Hamsters

   Recent advances in animal biotechnology provide increased chances using aging animals as donors. To examine the effect of maternal aging on the reproductive physiology, reproductive characteristics in golden hamsters that were mated repeatedly 4 times by 43-53 weeks of age were compared to those in young hamsters at 9-12 weeks of age. The results obtained were as follows:

1) Effect of maternal age on the litter size (Chapter 2)
Litter size declined by 30% at the 4th parity at 43-53 weeks of age. All aged females delivered young on Day 17 of pregnancy, one day later than did the young hamsters.

2) Developmental ability of preimplantation embryos (Chapter 3)
Embryos from aged hamsters showed a delay in the development and oviductal transport compared to those from young females. The embryos exhibiting strong activities of succinate dehydrogenase, isocitrate dehydrogenase and D5-3s-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase decreased significantly in the aged females than in the young animals

3) Peri- and postimplantation embryonic loss (Chapter 4)
Increased number of resorbing implants were noted in the aged hamsters compared to the young females on Day 6. Delays in the embryonic development and uterine response were observed in all aged hamsters throughout gestation. Resorbing implants noted in the aged hamsters were accompanied with less-developed decidualization and heavy infiltration of endometrial granulocytes (EG). The embryonic wastage may occur much crucially during the peri-implantaion period rather than late gestational period, due to the retarded development of embryos and incomplete decidualization. Further, EG may function in resorption of greatly retarded embryos in the aged hamsters.

4) Changes in surface ultrastructure of the uterine epithelium (Chapter 5)
On Days 2 to 3, the epithelial cells of young hamsters were round and uniformly covered with microvilli. The cells of aged hamsters were polygonal in shape. In about 15% of the aged uterine epithelium examined the cells had a reduced number of microvilli. The cellular protrusions appeared on the apical membrane in young uteri on Day 4, but fewer were observed in aged uteri on Day 5 where some of them were lost before implantation. Implantation was delayed in the aged females.

5) Morphological and functional changes of the ovary (Chapter 6)
Ovulated follicles histologically showed a delayed luteinization and abundant connective tissue incorporating into CL in the aged hamsters compared to the young females. Plasma P4 levels increased from Days 4 to 5 in the young hamsters, although no specific changes were noted in E2 levels. In contrast, the plasma P4 concentrations were in low levels in the aged females

6) Protein profiles in the uterine luminal fluid during early pregnancy (Chapter 7)
A slab-gel electrophoresis showed that a broad area of low-molecular-weight-proteins appeared on Days 4 and 5. In aged hamsters, the post-albumin protein bands disappeared at estrus and on Day 1, and during peri-implantation period the low-molecular-weight-proteins increased and the protein compositions in the post-transferrin region differed from those of young females. Qualitative changes in the protein content of the uterine fluids may account for lower rates of fertilization and implantation reported in the aged hamster.

In conclusion, it is suggested that conceptuses can develop to term, when the accumulated delay in the embryonic development does not exceed one day. Otherwise, they cannot survive any more and are fated to be resorbed before parturition. The uterine environment, therefore, is likely to place strong selective pressures on conceptuses so that only those developing synchronously with the endometrium will survive. This requirement for synchrony may be the means whereby genetically abnormal embryos which cannot keep pace with events within the uterus will be discarded




 加齢雌の胚は胚発生と卵管内卵移動が若齢雌に比べ遅延していた。強いsuccinate dehydrogenase,isocitrate dehydrogenaseならびにD5-3s-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase活性を示す胚が加齢群で有意に低下した。





,/p>  以上の研究結果から,加齢雌における胚発生の遅延が明らかに認められたが,1日以内の遅延であれば,正常に発育し分娩することが明らかにされた(第2-4章)。しかしながら,それ以上の遅延が生じれば,胚は分娩まで生存できず,周着床期に多くの胚吸収がEGの機能により起こる(第4章)。胚に著しい発育遅延や異常があれば(第3章),子宮環境との同調が崩れることになり(第5-7章),吸収される運命をたどるものと考えられた。