氏   名
アジャデー トマス アクィナス
ADJADEH,Thomas Aquinas
甲 第125号
専  攻
Genesis,Properties and Classification of Andisols of the Kitakami Mountain Range, Northeastern Japan

   The genesis, morphological, physical, chemical and mineraloglcal properties, and classification of Andisols of the Kitakami mountain range were studied. The results obtained have revealed the following:

1. The soils of the Kitakami mountain range were derived from a mixture of tephras and long-rang eolian dust. The relative contributions of tephra and eolian dust to the parent materials, to a large extent, determined the unique properties of the soils. The soils at the northern and central parts of the mountain range showed a stronger influence of the tephras and were mainly ailophanlc Andisols. The soils at the sourthern part, on the other hand, showed a stronger influence of long-range eolian dust and were mainly nonaUophanlc Andisols.

2. Although Ouaternary tephras deposited all over the mountain range, their relative ages of deposition determined the extent to which they were contaminated with eolian dust. The soils at the northern part were formed mainly from Towada Holocene tephras (10,000 ~ l,000 y.B.P) and those at the central part from late Pleistocene to Holocene tephras from the Akita-Komagatake (13,400 ~ 12,380 y.B.P) and Iwate (4,780 ~ 340 y.B.P) volcanoes. These tephras deposited long after the large influxof eolian dust during the last Glacial age(70,000~50,000 y.B.P and 34,000 ~20,000 y.B.P.). Consequently, the soils at the northern and central parts showed a very negligible influence of eolian dust. At the southern part, on the other hand, the Yakeishi tephras (70,000 ~ 50,000 y.B.P) deposited during the same period as the first large. influx of eolian dust (70,000 ~50,000 y.B.P) and long before the second influx (34,000 ~20,000 y. B.P). Thus the soils at southern showed strong influence of eolian dust.

3. More of the pedons at southern part tended to occur uder grass vegetation and also contained more organic carbon than the soils at the northern and central part of the mountaln range. Furthermore, the frequency of tephra deposition appeared to have influenced the amount of organic carbon in the soils by interrupting the continuous growth of vegetation. The northern part which received the most frequent and largest accumulation of tephras showed relatively srnller amounts of organic carbon in the soils.

4. As a result of the stronger influence of tephras at northern and central parts of the mountain range, the soils there contained large amounts of sand and acid-oxalate soluble constituents (AOSC) but small amounts of KCl-extractable Al (the soils showed moderate to neutral pH-water). The X-ray diffractograms revealed the presence of large amounts noncrystalline clay minerals such as allophane and irnogolite. The soils at southern part, on the other hand, contained large amounts of silt + clay fraction and KCl-extractable Al (the soils showed strong to moderate pH-water) but small amounts of AOSC. The X-ray diffractograms of the soils at southern part showed the presence of large amounts of quartz and crystalline clay minerals.

5. All the soils of the mountaln range contained small amounts of exchangeable bases due to their high leaching characteristics. However, the soils at the central part tended to contain larger amounts of exchangeable Ga and Mg than those at the northern and southern parts, presumably because the soils at the central part were formed rnainly from basaltic tephras.

6. All the soils of the moutain range were classified as Andisols because they satisfied the andic soil requirements. Almost all the pedons at the northern and central parts satisfied the requirements of criterion one because they contained more than 2% acid oxalate-extractable-aluminum plus half acid oxalate-extractable-iron (Alo+0.5Feo). On the other hand, the majority of the pedons at the southern part failed to meet the requirements of criterion one because they contalned < 2% Alo+0.5Feo in their Andisols diagnostic horizon. Nevertheless, these pedons contained a sufficient amount of volcanic glass in their sand fraction and also the required range of Alo+0.5Feo to qualify as Andisols under criterion two.

7. The majority of the pedons at the northern part were classified as Typic Hapludands. The pedons at the southern part showed a wider spectrum of Andisols. However, Alic and Typlc Futvudands, and Alic and Typic Melanudands tended to occur in higher frquencies. The pedons at the central part also showed a wide spectrum of Andisols and their classification appeared to bridge that of the northern and southern parts. I have proposed the inclusion of Alic Pachic Fulvudand into the Keys to Soil Taxonomy as a nomenclature for Fulvudands with high KCl-extractable Al and thick dark epipedons, but which are not dark enough to be classified as Melanudands.

8. Under the proposed revisions to the FA0/UNESCO(1988) classification system by Shoji et al. (1996), the soil were classified in a greater detail. The majority of the pedons at northern part were classified as Haplo-silic Andosols. At the central part, four of the pedons were classified as Haplo-silic Andosols, two as Pachic Fluvo-silic Andosols, and one each as a Melano-silic Andosol, a Fluvo-silic Andosol and an A1ic Melano-alu Andosol. At the sourthern part, there were four Haplo-alu Andosols, four Fluvo-alu Andosols, three Melano-silic Andosols, one pachic Melano-alu Andosols and one pachic Flivo-alu Andosol. The proposed revisions of Shoji et al. (1966) to the FA0/UNESCO classification system seem to make correlation with the USDA Taxonorny mucheasier because their proposals,much more than those of Spaaragaren (1994), enhance making of accessory statements and interpretations about the soils.

9.The morphologicai, physical, chemical and mineralogical properties of the soils of the Kitakami mountain range were controlled greatly by the interactions between parent material, time and vegetation. The climate is basically uniform over the entire mountain range. The influence of topography on the properties of the soils was not obvious.

   The results of this study have underscored the importance of parent material, time and organisms (vegetation) as soil forming factors.




2.第四紀のテフラは北上山地の全域に降灰していたが,それらの降灰物の相対的な年代の違いによって風成塵の混入度合が異なっていた。北部の土壌は主として十和田完新世テフラ(10,000~1,000y.B.P.)から生成し,中部の土壌は更新世後期から完新世にかけてのテフラ,すなわち秋田駒ヶ岳(13,400~12,380 y.B.P.)および岩手山(4,780~340 y.B.P.)等の火山から噴出したテフラから生成した。これらのテフラは最終氷河期(70,000~50,000 y.B.P.および34,000~20,000 y.B.P.)の間に多量に堆積した風成塵よりも遥かに後の時代に降灰した。その結果,北部および中部の土壌には風成塵の影響はほとんど認められなかった。他方、南部においては焼石岳のテフラ(70,000~50,000 y.B.P.)が風成塵 の最初に多量に堆積した時期(70,000~50,000 y.B.P.)と同時期に降灰し,またその時期は風成塵の2回目の堆積時期(34,000~20,000 y.B.P.)よりも遥かに以前であった。従って南部の土壌は風成塵の強い影響を受けていた。





7.北部におけるペドンの多くはUSDAのTypic Hapludanndsに分類された。南部におけるペドンは多様なAndisolsを示した。しかしながら、AlicおよびTypic Fluvudands 、AlicおよびTypic Melanudandsは高頻度で出現する傾向にあった。中央部におけるペドンも多様なAndisolsを示した。それらの分類は北部と中央部の分類を橋渡しているようであった。私は、Fluvudandsの命名におけるSoi1 TaxonomyのKey中に、高いKC1・抽出性アルミニウム量と厚い暗色ペドンを持つが、Melanudandsとして分類されるには十分な暗色を有しないAlic Pachic Fluvudands を包含することを提案した。

