氏   名
マナロ デイビツト ドウンゴ
Manalo David Dongo
甲 第112号
専  攻
Growth and Yield Response of Nodulating and Non‐nodulating Soybeans to Difherent Nitrogen Fertilizer Levels and Soil Types

 Soybean is one of the world's most important crops. The high protein content implies that high nitrogen is required by soybean plants in order to attain high seed yield. Previous studies had shown that in terms of per unit nitrogen (N) applied, non-nodulating soybeans were more responsive to N fertilizer. However, those researches are not yet exhaustive, since only a few genoty pes examined in a few trials or parameters measured were limited.

 The present research was focused and designed to generate more information on the growth and yield response of non-nodulating soybeans to different levels of N fertilizer, as well as on their response to different soil types with varied physical properties and organic N content. Non-nodulating soybean genotypes developed from crossing a non-nodulating line, Tol-0, with the four nodulating cultivars, were utilized. The non-nodulating offsprings were advanced to F11 generation by single seed descent and 3 lines were selected from each cross. In the first set of experiments, the nodulating and non-nodulating genotypes were planted in the field and treated with 4 levels of N fertilizer (0, 2, 10, 20 gN/m2). In the other set of experiments, they were planted in 3 locations with different soil types. The following results and conclusions were drawn.

 1.A 4-year trial, using 4 nodulating and l 3 non-nodulating genotypes, showed that the grain yield of non-nodulating genotypes was lower than that of nodulating genotypes at lowerN levels (ON and 2N). The yields the non-nodulating genotypes stalted to equalize at ION and higher than that of nodulating genotypes at 20N. This indicates that non-nodulating genotypes are more responsive to N fertitizer.

 2. The increases in LAI as a response to N fertilizer were generally higher in non-nodulating than in nodulating genotypes. The xylem sap relative ureide composition of nodulating genotypes was negatively affected by N fertilization. On the other hand, no drastic effect of N fertilizer was exhibited on the xylem sap ureides composition of non-nodulating genotypes.

 3. A 2-year trial investigating an association between leaf total N content and grain yield of non-nodulating genotypes indicated that when the conditions were favorable to gowth and yield, the dependence of grain yield on re-mobilized leaf N became Maker. Also, when there were more N coming from other sources, such as N2 fixation as in the case of nodulating genotypes, the dependence of grain yield on leaf N became smaller.

 4. The effects of different soil types on the grain yield and growth parameters were not clearly shown. It was shown that regardless of soil type, the grain yield difference between nodulating and non-nodulating genotypes decreases under the favorable conditions.

 5. Using the seed size data in the first experiemnt, the difference between nodulating and non-nodulating genotypes was analysed in terms of heritability and variability of response to environment. Across environments created by fertilizer by year combinations, seed size of non-nodulating lines were more variable than that of nodulating cultivars. This resulted in a lower heritability estimate in non-nodulating lines (h2=0.49) than in the nodulating cultivars (h2=0.85). The high response of the non-nodulating lines to N fertilizer may be attributed to their strong dependence on fertilizer and soil N due to their lack of ability to fix N in symbiosis.





 3.葉身窒素含量と子実収量との関連をみた2年間の比較から、生長や収量増加に好条件の場合には、子実生産のための窒素源は、葉から転流される窒素への依存は小さくなることが示された。さらに、 窒素固定能をもつ着生品種では、葉身窒素への依存が非常に小さかった。  4.子実収量やLAIなどに対する土壌特性の効果は明確ではなかった。栽培土壌の違いによって子実収量や生育の差はみられたが、年次変動が大きく、子実収量、葉面積、乾物重に対する反応を評価することは困難であった。土壌特性にかかわらず、収量増加に有利な条件では着生品種と非着生系統間の収量の差は減少し、非着生系統の反応性が高まることが観察された。
