氏   名
チュン タック ホップ
Truonq Tac Hop
甲 第110号
専  攻
Growth and Yield of rice cultivated under nitrogen-free basal dressing


   The growth and yield of rice cultivated under the practice, in which no nitrogen (N) was applied at basal dressing followed by the first N top-dressing at the eighth leaf stage and a sparse planting of 13~17 hills m-2, were not affected so seriously in the extremely cool weather of 1993. This practice is really contrasted to the widely used practice, in which N is commonly applied at basal dressing with a planting density of 22.2 hills m-2 (CONT). In normal weather years, the lower yield under this practice was due to the reduced number of panicles and the number of spikelets per unit area. Therefore, the purpose of the present study was to improve the yield of the above practice through increasing the number of panicles per unit area, the number of spikelets per panicle and the percentage of ripened grains by using two popular rice varieties, Akitakomachi and Hitomebore.

 The experiment was conducted using three main treatments as follows:
(1)N-free basal dressing followed by the first N top-dressing at the eighth leaf stage and common planting density of 22.2 hills m-2 (NFB).

(2) N top-dressing at the neck node differentiation stage and sparse planting of 16.7 hills m-2 under N-free basal dressing (NFBS).

(3) Early N top-dressing at the sixth leaf stage, instead of at the eighth leaf stage, under N-free basal dressing and sparse plating density (NFBS6).

The results obtained from the studies were summarized as below:

1. The common planting density conducted in NFB was thought to prevent the reduced number of panicle per unit area. N content in the leaf blades was lower in NFB at any growth stages, except at heading. The development of roots was more vigorous in NFB at the sixth and eighth leaf stages. The significantly reduced maximum number of stems and the number of panicles per unit area in NFB were due to the low rate of tillering from the lower nodes. The number of spikelets per unit area in NFB was 80~90% of that in C0NT. It is hardly possible to keep the number of panicles and the number of spikelets per unit area in NFB as high as C0NT. The markedly higher percentage of ripened grins and the l,ooo-grain weight were distinctly observed in NFB. The grain yield in NFB was 630~670 g m-2, insignificant difference to that in C0NT. The growth analyses were determined at the various growth stages and found that crop growth rate (CGR) and leaf area index (LAI) were lower, but net assimilation rate (NAR) and specific leaf weight (SLW) were higher in NFB at the panicle formation stage. All the values, except LAI, were higher in NFB at the grain-filling stage.

2. In NFBS, N top-dressing at the neck node differentiation stage was aimed to increase the number of spikelets per panicle. Through such treatment, the N content in the leaf blades increased in NFBS. A significantly reduced maximum number of stems, but a higher percentage of fruitful culms were distinctly observed in NFBS. Although the numbers of spikelets per panicle significantly increased in NFBS, the percentage of ripened grains was significantly higher in NFBS. The grain yield in NFBS was 660~7 lO g m-2, statistically identical to that in C0NT. The NFBS could be a very useful practice to attain high yield through increasing the number of spikelets per panicle and per unit area, and the higher percentage of ripened grains. Although N was top-dressed at the neck node differentiation stage, a luxuriant growth did not appear in NFBS.

3. Although earlier N top-dressing was applied at the sixth leaf stage, the number of panicles from lower nodes, the total number of panicles and spikelets per unit area were not significantly different between NFBS6 and NFBS. This result was probably due to the poor N absorption caused by the undeveloped superficial roots at the sixth leaf stage and low temperature at the top-dressing. The weight of a single panicle of the secondary tillers was significantly greater in both NFBS and NFBS6, but the percentage of ripened grains did not decline. These results indicated that productivity of the secondary tillers was superior in both NFBS and NFBS.

4. The dry matter production was analyzed in NFBS based on per unit area. As compared to C0NT, the total sink size was significantly smaller in NFBS, but the yield was not significantly different between the treatments. However, the sink size and the yield per unit area of the secondary tillers were significantly greater in NFBS. At the grain-filling stage, the increase in total dry weight (ΔW) was significantly greater in NFBS, which probably resulted from the remarkable increase in dry weight of leaf blades (ΔL) in NFBS at the booting stage. At both the early and middle grain-filling stages, CGR, NAR and SLW were greater in NFBS. The canopy in NFBS apparently received a large amount of solar radiation at the grain filling stage.

5. Although the number of spikelets per panicle distinctly increases in NFBS, the percentage of ripened grains was significantly higher in NFBS. Not only the sink size but also the yields per panicle was significantly higher in NFBS. Through the grain-filling, the increase in dry weight of grains (ΔG) and ΔW were significantly greater in NFBS. Through the booting to the late grain-filling stage, the decrease in ΔL, especially ΔL of the secondary tillers was significantly smaller in NFBS. As a result, CGR per panicle was 4l~7 1 % greater in NFBS. The results indicated that a single panicle in NFBS was more productive than that in CONT.

The results from the present experiment suggested that the practice in NFBS could be useful to apply for rice cultivation under the conditions of Vietnam in some following aspects: (i) it may be applied for some indica rice, which is usually sensitive response to N fertilizer and shows a luxuriant growth due to a heavy N manuring. (ii) It may be useful for the early maturing varieties with short duration of ripening in order to increase the percentage of ripened grains through the improved light-intercepting characteristics as in NFBS. (iii) In case of direct seeding practice, applying NFBS might avoid a luxuriant growth at the early growth stage, which usually causes a dense population at later growth stages.

 (和 訳)






 1.NFBにおいては,栽植密度を普通栽培並とすることで穂数の低下を抑制することを目的とした。出穂期を除く生育期の葉身窒素含有率が低かったが,6葉期および8葉期に調査した根の生長はきわめて活発であった。最高分げつ数および穂数は有意に少なかったが,これは下位節からの分げつが少なかったことに原因があった。その結果,面積当たり籾数は普通栽培(CONT)の80―90%に止まり,この栽培法では穂数および籾数の確保は困難であると考えられた。しかし,登熟歩合および1000粒重は明らかに増加し,収量は630―670gm‐2 の多収となりCONTと大差無かった。物質生産構造を解析するため生長解析を実施した結果,幼穂形成期においては純同化率(NAR)および比葉重(SLW)は大きかったが,個体群生長速度(CGR)および葉面積指数(LAI)は小さかった。しかし,登熟期においてはLAIを除くこれらのパラメーターはすべて大きく登熟歩合の高いことと密接な関係があると考えられた。




